Origin: Antigua, Guatemala
Variety: Bourbon.
Process: Washed.
Altitude: 1700 m.a.s.l.
Score: 87.00 points.

QUINTAL NO. 6 - NOV. 2021

This coffee is about experiencing the purest representation of the “Genuine Antigua” appellation. Strong aroma, strong body, and dark chocolate flavors balanced with some acidity to keep things interesting–these are the hallmarks of Antigua coffee which in 2012 earned protection as a “denominación de Origen” by APCA.

El Tempixque farm is almost synonymous with Antigua. It is located between two volcanoes at a perfect height of 1700 meters above sea level. The farm has been owned by the same family for over 60 years. The new generation of the Falla Cofiño family has mastered the process down to roasting, perhaps giving us the most iconic Antigua coffee that everyone must try at least once.

Roasted by Renato Maselli, SCA Professional Coffee Roaster, in Ciudad de Guatemala