January ‘24 Edition


Reyes Burbano Family • Ojo de Agua Farm • Nariño, Colombia

Origin: Nariño, Colombia.
Harvest: December 2023.
Variety: Castillo.
Process: Washed.
Altitude: 1900 m.a.s.l.

A totally balanced cup with some delicious undertones.

This month's edition originates from the Reyes Burbano family in Nariño, Colombia, a region where the Amazon, the Andes, and the Pacific coast converge. Their family farm, Ojo de Agua, is situated high in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of approximately 1900-2000 meters above sea level.

In contrast to last month's coffee, which could be described as bright and untamed, this month's offering is noticeably more balanced. It features the same Castillo variety, but this time with a washed process and significantly shorter fermentation times. The result is a coffee with notes of citrus, caramel, honey, and orange, characterized by a long-lasting medium acidity and creamy body.

Roasted by Deiner Rodriguez in Cali, Colombia.