Origin: Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua.
Variety: Yellow Catuai.
Process: Anaerobic Natural.
Altitude: 1500 m.a.s.l.
Harvest: December 2022.


Our journey continues. For Quintal No. 22 we bring you the next edition of our Nicaragua series with an exotic and complex coffee from Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua. 

This month’s yellow catuai variety was grown by the Peralta family in their farm “El Bosque”. This farm is nicknamed "Las Nubes" or "The Clouds" because of its unique micro climate and incredible views that make you feel as if you were standing on a cloud. This farm is Rainforest Alliance certified and only produces shade grown coffee.

If you saved some of last month’s Red Catuai, we encourage you to try both coffees side by side while taking note of the flavors that develop in your palate. Exotic notes like green currants, passionfruit and hints of pineapple should be present–slightly different from the brown sugar and chocolate notes in the Red Catuai. We would love to hear about your experience in the comments below, through our IG account @quintalcoffee or through our contact form.

As usual, this coffee was harvested three months ago and roasted at Origin just one week before shipping to offer you an industry-leading level of freshness.

Roasted by Jasser Mauricio Ruiz,
Q Grader, in Managua, Nicaragua.