Origin: Atitlán, Guatemala.
Variety: Bourbon & Caturra.
Process: Washed.
Altitude: 1850 m.a.s.l.
Score: 87.00 points.
Quintal No. 9 - FEB ‘22
Our inaugural Quintal edition was a honey processed coffee from Atitlán. In the honey process, the coffee seeds are left to dry without washing. This imparts flavors left by the fruit while the seed is drying.
For Quintal No. 9 we wanted to share with you a washed and sun dried coffee from the same region, but from a farm that is at an even higher altitude. In fact, at the highest altitude that is possible to grow coffee at this particular latitude.
The higher the altitude of the terroir, the more complex the flavors in the coffee bean. For this reason we picked the washed process, which tends to better display the notes of the soil. Quintal No. 9 is about enjoying the purest flavor from the highest coffee that can be grown in Guatemala. Expect lime notes mixed with almond and plum from the Santa Victoria Farm.
Roasted by Renato Maselli, SCA Professional
Coffee Roaster, in Ciudad de Guatemala.